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Hangzhou Golden(Jinpu) Spectrum Scientific Instrument Co.,Ltd.
250 mL Nalgene Poly Bottles with Caps and Septa - Pkg of 72250ml NALGENE 瓶, 72只/盒
PTFE Single Injection Septa, 100 each,Dionex? AS-AP PTFE 墊片, 100片/袋
VIAL,KIT,1.5ML,PPE,+CAPS +SEPTA,PKG/1001.5ml樣品瓶套裝, 100只/盒
Vial Kit 10mL 100ea,Dionex? AS-AP 10ml樣品瓶套裝-ASAP自動進樣器專用,100只/盒
PROD,VIAL+CAP+SLIT SEPTA,0.3ML0.3ml樣品瓶套裝,100只/盒